Mr Funky Teacher Internet Classroom

ELA Practice

Reading strategies

A.Main idea

  1. Use key details to determine the main idea
  2. Determine the main idea of a passage
  3. Combine main ideas from two texts


  1. Determine the themes of short stories

C.Author’s purpose and tone

  1. Identify the purpose of a text
  2. Which sentence is more formal?

D.Text structure

  1. Determine the order of events in informational texts
  2. Compare and contrast in informational texts
  3. Match causes and effects in informational texts
  4. Match problems with their solutions
  5. Identify text structures

E.Sensory details

  1. Sort sensory details
  2. Identify sensory details

F.Literary devices

  1. Identify similes and metaphors
  2. Similes and metaphors with pictures
  3. Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors
  4. Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its source
  5. Analyze the effects of figures of speech on meaning and tone

G.Point of view

  1. Identify the narrative point of view
  2. Compare and contrast points of view
  3. Compare information from two texts


  1. Use actions and dialogue to understand characters
  2. Compare and contrast characters
  3. Draw inferences from a text

I.Story elements

  1. Identify story elements

J.Text features

  1. Select and use text features

K.Visual elements

  1. Compare mythological illustrations
  2. Read graphic organizers

L.Poetry elements

  1. Label the rhyme scheme
  2. Identify elements of poetry

M.Literary texts: level 1

  1. Read fantasy with illustrations
  2. Read realistic fiction with illustrations
  3. Read historical fiction with illustrations

N.Literary texts: level 2

  1. Read realistic fiction
  2. Read historical fiction
  3. Read poetry
  4. Read drama

O.Informational texts: level 1

  1. Read about animals
  2. Read about art, music, and traditions
  3. Read about famous places
  4. Read about sports and hobbies

P.Informational texts: level 2

  1. Read about famous people
  2. Read about business and technology
  3. Read about science and nature
  4. Read about history

Writing strategies

Q.Organizing writing

  1. Put the sentences in order
  2. Use coordinating conjunctions
  3. Choose the best transition
  4. Order items from most general to most specific
  5. Organize information by main idea
  6. Remove the sentence that does not belong

R.Introductions and conclusions

  1. Choose the best topic sentence
  2. Choose the best concluding sentence


  1. Summarize a story

T.Developing and supporting arguments

  1. Distinguish facts from opinions
  2. Identify an author’s statement of opinion
  3. Choose reasons to support an opinion
  4. Identify supporting details in literary texts
  5. Identify supporting details in informational texts

U.Descriptive details

  1. Show character emotions and traits
  2. Revise the sentence using a stronger verb
  3. Add imagery to stories

V.Sentence variety

  1. Create varied sentences based on models

W.Editing and revising

  1. Use the correct frequently confused word
  2. Correct errors with frequently confused words
  3. Correct errors with signs

X.Research skills

  1. Identify and correct plagiarism


Y.Prefixes and suffixes

  1. Words with pre-
  2. Words with re-
  3. Words with sub-
  4. Words with mis-
  5. Words with un-, dis-, in-, im-, and non-
  6. Words with -ful
  7. Words with -less
  8. Words with -able and -ible
  9. Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes by meaning
  10. Sort words with shared suffixes by part of speech
  11. Word pattern analogies
  12. Word pattern sentences

Z.Greek and Latin roots

  1. Sort words by shared Greek or Latin roots
  2. Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words
  3. Use the meanings of words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  4. Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  5. Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  6. Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots
  7. Match words with Greek and Latin roots to their meanings


  1. Select the members of a group
  2. Select the words that don’t belong

BB.Synonyms and antonyms

  1. Choose the synonym
  2. Find synonyms in context
  3. Choose the antonym
  4. Find antonyms in context


  1. Analogies


  1. Homophones with pictures
  2. Use the correct homophone

EE.Multiple-meaning words

  1. Multiple-meaning words with pictures
  2. Which definition matches the sentence?
  3. Which sentence matches the definition?

FF.Idioms and adages

  1. Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set 1
  2. Identify the meaning of idioms and adages: set 1
  3. Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set 2
  4. Identify the meaning of idioms and adages: set 2

GG.Shades of meaning

  1. Describe the difference between related words
  2. Positive and negative connotation

HH.Context clues

  1. Find words using context
  2. Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context
  3. Use context to identify the meaning of a word
  4. Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures
  5. Use academic vocabulary in context

II.Reference skills

  1. Order alphabetically based on the first two letters
  2. Order alphabetically based on the first three letters
  3. Order alphabetically: challenge
  4. Use guide words
  5. Use dictionary entries
  6. Use dictionary definitions
  7. Use thesaurus entries

Grammar and mechanics

JJ.Sentences, fragments, and run-ons

  1. Is the sentence declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory?
  2. Identify the complete subject or complete predicate of a sentence
  3. Identify the simple subject or predicate of a sentence
  4. Is it a complete sentence or a fragment?
  5. Is it a complete sentence or a run-on?
  6. Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on?
  7. Identify dependent and independent clauses
  8. Is the sentence simple or compound?
  9. Is the sentence simple, compound, or complex?
  10. Create compound sentences
  11. Order the words to create a sentence


  1. Identify nouns – with abstract nouns
  2. Identify common and proper nouns
  3. Form plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o, and y
  4. Form and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o, and y
  5. Form plurals: review
  6. Form and use plurals: review
  7. Identify plurals, singular possessives, and plural possessives
  8. Form the singular or plural possessive
  9. Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns


  1. Identify personal pronouns
  2. Choose between subject and object personal pronouns
  3. Replace the noun with a personal pronoun
  4. Compound subjects and objects with “I” and “me”
  5. Compound subjects and objects with personal pronouns
  6. Use possessive pronouns
  7. Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns
  8. Use reflexive pronouns
  9. Identify relative pronouns
  10. Use relative pronouns: who and whom
  11. Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, and that

MM.Verb types

  1. Identify main verbs and helping verbs
  2. What does the modal verb show?
  3. Use the correct modal verb

NN.Subject-verb agreement

  1. Use the correct subject or verb
  2. Use the correct subject or verb – with compound subjects

OO.Verb tense

  1. Is the sentence in the past, present, or future tense?
  2. Form and use the regular past tense
  3. Form and use the irregular past tense
  4. Form and use the simple past, present, and future tense
  5. Correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense
  6. Use the progressive verb tenses
  7. Form the progressive verb tenses
  8. Choose between the past tense and past participle
  9. Use the perfect verb tenses
  10. Form the perfect verb tenses

PP.Adjectives and adverbs

  1. Identify adjectives
  2. Order adjectives
  3. Identify adverbs
  4. Use relative adverbs
  5. Choose between adjectives and adverbs
  6. Is the word an adjective or adverb?
  7. Use adjectives to compare
  8. Spell adjectives that compare
  9. Use adjectives with more and most
  10. Use adverbs to compare


  1. Identify prepositions
  2. Identify prepositions and their objects
  3. Identify prepositional phrases
  4. Prepositions: review


  1. Identify coordinating conjunctions
  2. Identify subordinating conjunctions
  3. Use the correct pair of correlative conjunctions
  4. Fill in the missing correlative conjunction


  1. Pronoun-verb contractions
  2. Contractions with “not”


  1. Commas with a series
  2. Commas with dates and places
  3. Commas with direct addresses
  4. Commas with introductory elements
  5. Commas with compound and complex sentences
  6. Commas: review


  1. Correct capitalization errors
  2. Capitalizing titles


  1. Formatting titles
  2. Formatting and capitalizing titles
  3. Formatting street addresses
  4. Punctuating dialogue


  1. Abbreviate days of the week and months of the year
  2. Abbreviate people’s titles
  3. Abbreviate units of measurement
  4. Abbreviate street names and state names
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